When marketing, you must create a marketing mix. This consists of a combination of the product, place, promotion and price strategies. When marketing and displaying your product you also need to market it to a group of people in which would be interested in your product and who you think is most likely to buy it.
Apple Inc. has all the new technology and most people whether they have the money or not are going to buy there products because they want them. Apple has created a market for almost every persons needs.
The ipod for example varies between a little less expensive ipod to an expensive touch screen with wifi, so they market to not only adults but kids as well because parents are most likely not going to want to spend a lot of money on a ipod that there kid is not going to take care of, so they would go towards the less expensive one. Every person strives to keep up with each other, fortunately Apple creates technology that suites every ones interest and price range. Finally, Apple has come up with an accommodable payment plan. In this plan you must apply for there credit card called the "barclaycard". The "barclaycard" is apple's credit card, it helps to finance any products for people who do not have the money upfront; yet need the technology Apple has to offer.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Country of origin of my clothes
All of the clothes i wore today were made and manufactured in china.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Week 2 - Continued.
Apple is releasing the iPhone 4 in china starting Sept. 25th. The release will come about with the opening of an Apple store in Hong Kong Plaza in Shanghai and Xidan Joy city in Beijing. The unlocked 16GB phone will sell for about $743.00 and the 32 GB model will be $892. The phone are for qualified buyers only.Apple is hoping that the iPhone 4 does better in the Chinese market than the iPhone 3GS, which only sold about 5,000 when it first came out.
Also in Abu Dhabi the iPhone 4 will be released on Sept 25th to telecommunications corp.
Apples strategic plan is to go worldwide in hopes that they will be able to expand and grow to all over the country.
Also in Abu Dhabi the iPhone 4 will be released on Sept 25th to telecommunications corp.
Apples strategic plan is to go worldwide in hopes that they will be able to expand and grow to all over the country.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Week 3 - Ethics and Social responsibilities
Apple lately has been criticized by environmental organizations for not taking more action in removing the toxic chemicals from all of its new products. Also Apple has not been properly recycling its old products and they are looked upon as an example. Although apple is ahead of most of its competitors in recycling there still not doing what is all morally "right".
Apple has stated that " It is not generally Apple's policy to announce our plans for the future; we tend to talk about the things we just accomplished." Apple feels as if it is hurting there shareholders, employees and industry by not letting everyone know there plans to become greener. Apple is looked as a leader and had decided to change there policy of not sharing there plans for a greener company .
Lead is a very dangerous chemical that is found in electronic products, it is a very small amount in apples products but there are companies out there that still ship there products with pound of it still inside the display screens.
Apple has stated that " It is not generally Apple's policy to announce our plans for the future; we tend to talk about the things we just accomplished." Apple feels as if it is hurting there shareholders, employees and industry by not letting everyone know there plans to become greener. Apple is looked as a leader and had decided to change there policy of not sharing there plans for a greener company .
Lead is a very dangerous chemical that is found in electronic products, it is a very small amount in apples products but there are companies out there that still ship there products with pound of it still inside the display screens.
"Apple completely eliminated the use of CRTs ( lead) in mid-2006."
Arsenic and Mercury is used in the liquid crystal display screens (LCD). These chemicals are added during the manufacturing of high performance glass used in LCD screens to prevent defects. Apple introduced there first displays using arsenic free glass in 2007. A small amount of arsenic will still be used but it will be very minimal to what it use to be
Apples Weight Recycled in Past sales.
There is no standard for any company's effectiveness of recycling. Yet apple s still improving there recycling tactics as shown in the chart.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Week 2 - strategic planning.
A strategic plan for a company is very important; it can either make or brake you depending on how you market your products and what your goal is for that product. Apple has not only advanced technology in computers, but has also advanced in the cellular market. The new apple iPhone 4 does not only show off all of its new features, but it has opened a whole new can of technology. On the iPhone 4 they have added what is called "facetime". Facetime (as shown on the new commercial) shows how you can visually see the person you are talking to. Whether it be over seas or using visual sign language the iPhone 4 is the first of its kind. Apple does not follow the trend, they make the trend. All other phone companies just sell what is popular and if you walk into any other cell phone store you will most likely notice and find the same phones with exact or similar features. The iPhone has a specific contract with AT&T so this is the main reason why it is unique; you cannot get it anywhere else!
With Facetime no matter where you are in the world you can never miss a moment.
There has also been a recent defect with the new iPhone 4 which could have potentially ruined their strategic plan and stratagey; however Apple held a press conference on how to accommodate the customers that had purchased the iPhone 4. Apple offered a free software upgrade for everyone who had purchased the iPhone and had also offered a full refund or a free bumper for the phone to help resolve this issue.
In my opinion Apple has succeeded in planning their marketing plans, you cannot travel anywhere without hearing on the radio about apple or seeing an advertisement on the side of buses, trains, railways, etc.
Apple is everywhere !
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Week 1 - Mission Statement And History
Apple INC. has strived to protect the environment, health and safety of there employees, customers and the communities where they run there business. Apple does there best by incorporating ways to protect there customers by putting safety management practice into the aspects of the business, for example apple offers a setting on the ipod that puts the volume at a certain level in the way that it cannot hurt your eardrums. Apple also offers advanced technology products while maintaining and conserving resources for future generations. Apple is always seeking for improvement in the environmental and health management systems in all of the quality of there products and services. Apple is dedicated to bring top of the line products to its consumers, the company is always upgrading it programs and computers . Applications such as the iLife is a professional app and it makes sure that users will continue to be amazed by the company's success. Apple has revolutionized the music experience by creating the apple ipod which is a music player that can fit into your pocket and hold a variety of music and can store more music than a regular mp3 player.
Apple was founded in April 1976 by Steve Wozniak who at the time was 26 and Steve Jobs who at the time was 21. Both men were college dropouts, they met a couple of years earlier when Steve Wozniak who is a self taught electronic engineer began building boxes that made long- distance calls free.Then in 1976 Wozniak began working on another box - which is known as the Apple I computer. Both men had no money so they sold there possessions and raised $1,300 to start a company. A local retailer ordered 50 of the computers and eventually they sold hundreds of computers for about $666.00 a computer. They began working on the Apple II and hired computer techs and then they had consulted a man name Mike Markkula , he was a retired electronic engineer for Intel Corporation and he bought one third of the company for 250,000 and in 1977 was hired as the president. They soon hired someone to advertise them. By the end of 1978 apple was one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S. After this time they had some minor bumps in the road and had lost a lot of money and investors, Today Apple is one of the most advanced companies in the United States. Not only do they make Desktops, laptops and music players but they now offer a cell phone called the iPhone.
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