Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 3 - Ethics and Social responsibilities

Apple lately has been criticized by environmental organizations for not taking more action in removing the toxic chemicals from all of its new products. Also Apple has not been properly recycling its old products and they are looked upon as an example. Although apple is ahead of most of its competitors in recycling there still not doing what is all morally "right".
Apple has stated that " It is not generally Apple's policy to announce our plans for the future; we tend to talk about the things we just accomplished." Apple feels as if it is hurting there shareholders, employees and industry by not letting everyone know there plans to become greener. Apple is looked as a leader and had decided to change there policy of not sharing there plans for a greener company .

Lead is a very dangerous chemical that is found in electronic products, it is a very small amount in apples products  but there are companies out there that still ship there products with pound of it still inside the display screens.

"Apple completely eliminated the use of CRTs ( lead) in mid-2006."

Arsenic and Mercury is used  in the liquid crystal display screens (LCD). These chemicals are added during the manufacturing of high performance glass used in LCD screens to prevent defects. Apple introduced there first displays using arsenic free glass in 2007. A small amount of arsenic will still be used but it will be very minimal to what it use to be
Apples Weight Recycled in Past sales.
There is no standard for any company's effectiveness of recycling. Yet apple s still improving there recycling tactics as shown in the chart.

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