When marketing, you must create a marketing mix. This consists of a combination of the product, place, promotion and price strategies. When marketing and displaying your product you also need to market it to a group of people in which would be interested in your product and who you think is most likely to buy it.
Apple Inc. has all the new technology and most people whether they have the money or not are going to buy there products because they want them. Apple has created a market for almost every persons needs.
The ipod for example varies between a little less expensive ipod to an expensive touch screen with wifi, so they market to not only adults but kids as well because parents are most likely not going to want to spend a lot of money on a ipod that there kid is not going to take care of, so they would go towards the less expensive one. Every person strives to keep up with each other, fortunately Apple creates technology that suites every ones interest and price range. Finally, Apple has come up with an accommodable payment plan. In this plan you must apply for there credit card called the "barclaycard". The "barclaycard" is apple's credit card, it helps to finance any products for people who do not have the money upfront; yet need the technology Apple has to offer.
Megan, this is a good blog. The posts are a very good length. However, you missed the post on corporate irresponsibility. Keep up the good work.